Sha-bang for Scala Scripts on OSX
To write executable Scala scripts on OSX (and possibly relevant for other unixes) you have to add the script “sha-bang”/“she-bang”/“sh-bang” (#!
) header in the script file above the script code.
My current take on the best sha bang for OSX
exec scala -savecompiled -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 "$0" $@
println("Hello wörld")
Compile once and save the compiled file in a jar so that subsequent runs will not have to wait for the compilation. The jar file will be saved in the same directory as the script file.
By default the JVM will use macroman which breaks UTF-8 output with println, setting file.encoding will unbreak it!
This is the name of the script being run, note the quotation marks to make sure it works with scripts that are put in paths containing space
Pass the rest of the arguments to the script in to scala as program arguments so that they are available in the args