
Jee5unit is a small framework on top of junit4 for testing JPA entities and EJBs out of container with regular unit tests.


The framework will look for annotated entities in the classpath. For a jar or entry in the classpath to be considered for finding entities it must contain a META-INF/persistence.xml. There is no reading of the file though so it is possible to use an empty such file to make the framework look for entities in for example the test-classes directory of a maven project.

To make the framework light on memory and testing speed the database schema is by default created in the in memory (HSQL) database once per test session. This means that it is possible for tests to affect each other by leaving stale data. It is therefore very important to work with the JPA transactions as described in the examples and rollback the changes each test does.

Since version 1.2 there is support for derby as well as hsql as in memory database. The dependency on either of the databases are now optional so you will have to specify the database you want to use as a test-scoped dependency of your project.

How do I include it in my project?

Add then the dependency (with VERSION replaced with the version you want to use)


    <!-- since 1.2 there is no dependency on the database so you have to
         specify either hsql (the default and most tested) -->

    <!-- or derby (you will also need to specify that you want to use
         InMemoryDerby as database provider in the configuration file.
         (See the configuration page for more info) -->

If you are using some other project build tool than maven you will have to download the jee5unit artifact and all dependencies yourself and add it to your project in some tool specific way. All dependencies of the framework can be found under "Project Information > Dependencies"